Dental Coverage

Memorial Hermann offers two dental plans, so you can choose the plan that’s best for you: the Delta Dental Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) and the Deltacare USA Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)

Both plans are offered through Delta Dental and include $0 in-network preventive care (two routine cleanings per year; one every six months), as well as coverage for basic services like fillings, orthodontic care, oral surgery and more. 

How These Plans Differ 

The Delta Dental PPO: Allows you the freedom to visit any licensed dentist, but you will receive greater benefits when you use a Delta Dental PPO network dentist. This plan also covers orthodontia care for dependents up to age 19 only.

After you meet your deductible ($50/individual, $150/family), the plan will pay up to the annual maximum of $1,500 for care per year. For more coverage details, see the Plan Comparison below.  

The DeltaCare USA HMO: Requires you to designate a primary care dentist and encourages regular visits with lower copays. Out-of-network care is not covered, except in certain emergency situations. However, all covered dependents are eligible for orthodontia care, regardless of age. 

To see what you’ll pay for care, refer to this DHMO fee schedule, which is also available on allHR.

Delta Dental PPO1

DeltaCare USA HMO2

Annual Deductible

$50 per individual/ $150 per family (deductible is waived for diagnostic and preventive services)

Not applicable

Benefit Maximum

$1,500 per person (diagnostic and preventive services don’t count toward maximum)

Not applicable

Orthodontic Deductible

$50 lifetime deductible  per person

Not applicable

Diagnostic and Preventive Services: Exams, Cleaning, X-Rays


Per DHMO fee schedule

Basic Services: Fillings and Simple Tooth Extractions


Per DHMO fee schedule

Endodontic (root canals) – Covered Under Basic Services


Per DHMO fee schedule

Periodontics (gum treatment) – Covered Under Basic Services


Per DHMO fee schedule

Oral Surgery – Covered Under Basic Services


Per DHMO fee schedule

Major Services: Crowns, Inlays, Onlays and Cast Restorations, Bridges and Dentures


Per DHMO fee schedule

Orthodontic Benefits

Dependent children to age 19: 50%

Dependent children up to the age of 26 and adults (employee and spouse): per DHMO fee schedule

Orthodontic Maximums

Plan pays: $1,500 lifetime

Per DHMO fee schedule

Enhanced Cleaning Benefits for Pregnancy

Includes oral evaluation and cleaning

Per DHMO fee schedule

1 Includes Delta Dental PPO dentists and non-Delta Dental dentists.
2 Contract specialists may differ.

Note: Limitations or waiting periods may apply for some benefits; some services may be excluded from your plan. Reimbursement is based on Delta Dental maximum contract allowances and not necessarily each dentist’s submitted fee. You are responsible for any charges above allowed amounts when using a non-Delta Dental dentist.

The amount you pay for dental coverage is based on the plan you choose and who you choose to cover. It is deducted from your paychecks before taxes are calculated (i.e., on a pre-tax basis).

Delta Dental PPO

DeltaCare USA HMO






Employee + Spouse





Employee + Child(ren)





Employee + Family




