Having or Adopting a Child

The path to parenthood is a joyful and exciting time. It’s also a time plan and prepare for your family’s new arrival. Memorial Hermann is here to support you every step of the way with robust financial and emotional resources. Whether it’s time away from work to bond, guidance in finding child care, mental well-being support or financial tools to plan your new budget, we’ve got you covered.

Learn more about taking a leave here.

Things to Consider

Benefits, Programs and Resources

Prepare financially
Understand your healthcare coverage and explore ways to save on healthcare expenses. If you plan to adopt, we also offer financial support.

Understand paid parental leave and the cost of child care
Know how much time off you’ll have available to bond with your child and research child care providers so you can start budgeting. Also take advantage of the Dependent Care FSA to pay for eligible child care tax free.

Find emotional support
Get the mental and emotional support you need to prepare for your parenting journey.

Know the impact of taking a leave of absence
It’s more than just your salary—understand the broader financial impact of taking an extended leave.

Call HR Shared Services at 713.456. MHHR (6447)

Things to Consider

Benefits, Programs and Resources

Find resources to support your health, wellness and fertility treatment needs
Explore resources for moms-to-be plus what to do if you have trouble conceiving.

Choose your healthcare providers during pregnancy and plan for your delivery
Building your pregnancy, labor and delivery healthcare team is an important part of preparing for delivery.

Get help recovering from pregnancy, labor, and delivery
It takes time to regain strength after having a baby. See what resources are available to help you manage your recovery while balancing the demands of being a new mom.

Things to Consider

Benefits, Programs and Resources

Become familiar with the adoption process and legal considerations
There may be a lot to learn when you’re considering adoption. Know what to expect and take advantage of the Group Legal Plan for legal guidance.

  • Group Legal
    (Access code: 9900025)
    You must be enrolled in group legal to take advantage of the benefits offered by the plan.
  • Fidelity resources
    The Fidelity Retirement Service Center
    Monday through Friday
    7:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.
  • Adoption assistance
    Call HR Shared Services
    713.456. MHHR (6447)

Children’s emotional well-being
Some children who are adopted may have been through trauma and could need special help.

Things to Consider

Benefits, Programs and Resources

Take time off to bond with your child
Welcoming a child — through birth, adoption or fostering — is a beautiful occasion. We want you to spend those first moments together as a family.

Update your benefits, additional insurances, and beneficiary information
Makes sure your new addition is added to your benefits and explore additional insurance coverage to make sure they are protected.

Get support coping with the emotional adjustments to parenthood
Being a new parent can be stressful. That’s why getting support can be critical, and we have programs and resources to help you along the way.

Plan for your family’s financial future
With more expenses, it’s more important than ever to keep your spending and saving on track.
